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Premarital Sex: What the Bible Has to Say

Where in the Bible does it specifically say premarital sex is wrong?

What Submission Means for Singles

Practicing submission allows singles to prepare for their own marriages while championing the institution as a whole.

All Work Is God’s Work

We’ve lost something of beauty in our pursuit of the next big thing. Work has not always been viewed as mundane and ordinary.

Latest from the Blog

a person beginning to write, encouraging other writers

5 Writing Tips for Aspiring Authors

“Everything you write is the intersection of three stories: your story, God’s story and the reader’s story.”

a person reading a Bible in a city, reading Scripture and overcoming lust

Overcoming Lust

Lust happens when we notice the sexual attractiveness of another person’s body and then choose to fixate on it. It’s that second thought that’s lustful.

a single woman smiling with her dog

Making the Most of Your Single Years

Don’t waste your time as a single; seize what opportunities you can!

a guy labeling moving boxes, preparing for his move to a new city

5 Things That Will Happen When You Move

If you’re considering a move, it may be more stressful than you imagined but the opportunity to form connections can make the change well worth it.

a man with a beard standing in front of a bulletin board - finding true fulfillment

How To Find True Fulfillment

Finding our identity and fulfillment in things of this world is a shaky foundation to base our lives upon. These things can be taken away at any moment.

Latest from the Show

February 20, 2025

Gen Z and Dating Apps: Episode 890

57:01 – Overcommitment on church activities, plus Suzanne Gosselin on Gen Z’s apathy toward dating apps, and what if your date has mental health issues?