I’m on a Sherlock Holmes kick, you guys. I just saw the second Robert Downey Jr. movie, and then I watched the recent BBC iteration Sherlock, which portrays old Holmes and Watson in modern-day England. After watching so many versions of the stories, I figured I should actually read the originals, so I picked up a book including some of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Like I said, I’m on a kick.
One of the reasons I’ve been so intrigued by Sherlock is that the stories are clever. There are twists and turns, and Holmes has the keen ability to notice things no one else does. He solves mysteries because he deduces what’s going on in the situation — he sees minute details, and from these clues he deduces the most logical explanation for how someone got mud on their shoes or why someone’s profession is in the medical field. Holmes notices the story going on around him.
I’m fascinated by a good plot; I love seeing the twists and turns that come with an intriguing story. I can’t help but “ooh” and “aah” as I see how an intricate plot begins to come together.
I used to read the Bible in bits and pieces. I would memorize a few sayings of Paul’s because I found them useful to my personal life. I would read a Psalm or two for inspiration, and if I had time, I might catch up on a chapter of Genesis or Ruth. But since I’ve started looking into the Bible more, and as I’ve learned more about context and eastern thought through my biblical studies degree, I’ve seen much more clearly the big story that God is telling through His Word. The bits and pieces — the details and clues — are all words and sentences and chapters in this grand narrative of God. Parts of it are mysterious. Some of it is not easily figured out or solved. It’s such an intricate story, such a magnificent plot.
I am intrigued by things like Sherlock Holmes or the Harry Potter series or a show like LOST because they tell such complex stories. They remind me of the intricate narrative that God has told through His Word — that He continues to tell through His people and through the eventual redemption and restoration Christ will bring with His return. When you read the Bible as a whole — when you see the creation as it was meant to be, the fall, the covenant promises of God, the trials and triumphs of Israel, the birth of Christ, the cross, the resurrection, the disciples’ zeal for the spread of the Gospel, the hope of Christ’s return — you see this amazing story that God is telling. It is fascinating to read Scripture and notice the details, notice the clues, notice what God has been doing from beginning to end. It’s such a good story, you guys.
So when you read the Bible, remember that Scripture is telling us God’s story. It’s a fascinating story with twists and turns and surprising plots. Read it as such: God’s plan, God’s novel, God’s true story with a wonderful beginning, middle and end.