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Your Friendgirl Deserves Better

If you’re leading on a friendgirl you have no romantic interest in, then it’s time for one of the most important breakups of your life.

Confessions of an Awkward Dater

Maybe we’re making this dating thing a lot harder than it has to be.

Men and Friendship

Without meaningful friendships, we’re more vulnerable than we think.

Latest from the Blog

a picture of a nice guy smiling

What Nice Guys Have to Offer

This is about waking up each morning and learning — remembering — that I am a great guy, and one day, she will like me. This is a story of hope.

a group of young Christians in community with one another

A Checklist for Finding Christian Community

We can learn a thing or two about community from the early Christians.

a married couple cuddling on the couch; marriage is fun

Why Marriage Is Better Than I Imagined

I wonder if there’s a way for us to talk about marriage that emphasizes the hard work but also the immense joy that exists.

a couple, living in sin, lying on a bed together

Why “Living in Sin” Is No Laughing Matter

Living in sin negatively impacts your overall walk with Christ.

a symbol of a breakup, a woman is holding a paper heart ripped in two

Breakups Can Never Break You

Remember who loves you, regardless of how people treat you.

Latest from the Show

March 27, 2025

Is Every Christian Single Having Sex?: Episode 895

58:57 – Obeying God’s commands about sex, plus Ben Stuart on battling adversity and temptation, and how to maximize your final year of college.